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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

God's Awesomeness

God is so good to us. On Sunday I gave Ariana Tylenol, but the only bottle I had was a small bottle from the hospital which instructed to ask physician for dosage. Well I look at old discharge papers which told me to give her 3ml. I gave her 3ml in the evening and at bedtime did not have enough to give her a full 3ml dose, so I gave her what was left.

First thing Monday morning I had Carlos go out and buy a new bottle of Tylenol and figured I'd read the instructions (just because - actually it was God). It said 1.6ml for children 2-3 yrs old. Well I was confused since the discharge papers were from when she was 8 mo old. She went to her doctor's appt and I asked her doctor, she advised me that she should be taking 1.2ml and was very disappointed that a resident did not know how to calculate Tylenol for infants.

When I learned that it was the wrong dose, I was so thankful for God's hands on Ariana. That was God! I ran out of the Tylenol on Sunday because she could have been overdosed if I had given her that second dose. God is amazing. He continues to show his love for Ari and keep her in His loving arms. God's grace is sufficient. He's keeping us safe even when we don't see it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

10 Months

Ariana has been doing well, but the night before last came down with a fever. I had been telling myself I needed to post on her blog about how well she was doing. I didn't want this to become a "sick again" blog and before I got to it...she's sick. I'm just thinking it's an ear infection or something like that. So I'll will talk about her recent accomplishments.

Ariana has been sitting up without support. She loves to sit and play with her toys. We never thought about how it would actually look to see her do this, so we're amazed by it. She has been interacting more and more with everyone, especially the kids. They make her laugh, actually crack up, all the time. We think about she'll be crawling soon and can't really imagine it. We can't believe March we'll be celebrating 1 yr.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hospital Again

Yes again. Monday we went to the doctor for a follow up from last weeks hospital admission. Ariana was wheezing so the doctor put her back on steroids. That night she was not able to maintain her oxygen levels above 90%, so we put her on oxygen (thank God we still have some). I was giving her treatments every 2-4 hrs trying to keep her airways open til the morning to get her to the doctor. I knew I was doing everything they would do in the ER, I called her doctor just for approval that what I was doing was fine. By 4am she was on 1.5 liters of pure O2 which is pretty high and she was still having levels in the low 90's where usually they would be 100% with any amount of O2. So I knew it was time.

I will admit, I started acting silly. A little annoyed that I was making this trip again. I started telling Carlos I'm buying a bright orange sweat suit for our hospital trips, so they know who we are and that maybe we could even get a permanent bed. I was ridiculous, I guess after being up most of the night and after the various trips already made...I wasn't happy. Then I got stopped by the police on my way for speeding, but he did let me go as he saw Ari in the back seat with a monitor and oxygen.

She's still in the hospital. She was diagnosed with pneumonia and RSV. Another frustrating thing since she receives a vaccine for RSV (respiratory virus). This virus is dangerous for babies under 2yrs old and since she was a preemie and has tracheal malaysia (narrow airway) it's more troublesome. She's is doing better, just not able to maintain her O2 levels while she sleeps. Although we have O2 at home, they generally don't release babies who require O2, so they want to be extra cautious and we're ok with that.

God is awesome and has a perfect plan, as I always say, in spite of what it looks like. I need to be reminded sometimes when I feel frustrated and helpless. I loose focus of where our help comes from...the Lord, we begin thinking we're the one's who have all this under control. Sometimes God has to remind us - if it weren't for His grace.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years...In the Hospital???

Yes, in the hospital. Around 3am Ari started the croup cough. We tried giving her treatments but they didn't help. So by 5am I took her to the ER for what I thought would be a morning visit for medication. The doctor decided they wanted her admitted since the last time she ended up back in the ER 2 days later to be admitted. They are also going to try and speed up the bronch (camera down her throat) to look at her throat and lungs.

Carlos is on hospital duty, since I was with her in the morning hours and will spend the night with her. She's very cranky, which I think she's just over stimulated and tired. This morning I realized how tiring hospital lights can be.

I wonder why God has chosen for us to start the year off this way, I know His plan is perfect in every way...but I don't always get it. But in an odd way I can only be grateful...