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Friday, October 24, 2008

Our Scare Last Night

Last night Ari cried every time I put her down. The only way she would stay calm was by laying (lying - not sure which one...I always struggled with this in school) on me. She does not cry much and she cried as if she was in pain. This went on til about 2am, I thought we'd end up in the ER, thank God we didn't. Finally I put her on her belly on her boppy pillow between my legs, I put her monitor on, and went to sleep - kinda. (Please note the only reason I can put her on a boppy pillow, on her belly is because she is on a monitor that will alarm if her oxygen or heart rate drop...I don't recommend anyone do this!)

I think she may have just had a tummy ache, but still trying to figure it out. I'll be keeping a close eye on her to see if anything throughout today triggers it again.

I had a tough day yesterday, so to end it that way was hard. I could not help but think about what would happen if we did go to the ER and everything she would go thru, I couldn't help but think if it could be signs of the "stuff" they say she's at risk for, a lot went thru my mind. It's so easy to take our focus off of our trust in the fact that all things in our lives happen for our own good, when our faith is in God.

Today God put it in my heart to praise Him through the storm, to focus on Jesus and I won't sink. My daughter forgot her binders and called me for the second day in a row, begging me to take her binders to school or she'd be in big trouble. I usually let them get in trouble because I feel they need to learn responsibility and if I bail them out all the time, how would they learn it. But I took them, and as I drove to her school and back I listened to a song that said, "thru the storm, yet I will praise Him, thru good and bad You remain the same, King of Kings." It encouraged me and reminded me that God does not change.

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