Ariana is 7lb 8oz and 19 1/4 in. long. She got her 4mo. immunizations the other day and we heard her scream and cry the loudest we've ever heard her. It was a bitter sweet moment. I didn't know she had such a voice. Since she has the soft trach (trachial malaysia) from the tubes going in and out of her throat, her voice is still squeaky and she doesn't have a loud cry...until the other day. I guess 3 shots would give anyone a voice :(
She continues to be an amazing little girl. She loves to be held and talked too. I love to watch her eyes and expressions when I talk to her. I often remember all the times I couldn't hold her and when I hold her now, I can't help but continuously thank God for giving me/us that opportunity each and every day. God continues to bless us through Ariana and show us so much of His glory.
1 comment:
What a special little girl!! And look at those cheeks!! I can't wait to meet her.
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